“What I’ve learned from my time in the tech industry is that companies only succeed by imagining new realities. Women are an incredible asset to the workforce, not only bringing innovation to all industries, but also boosting our economy. Firms that have more women in senior positions and on corporate boards have been found to be more profitable, but barriers, like the lack of access to paid family and medical leave, stand in the way of many. Being the only country without a national paid family and medical leave plan is not only a disadvantage to women, and our economy, but also to families and the growth of business. I endorse the Family And Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act) because it levels the playing field for businesses and employees. It allows women and men to take the time they need and deserve when serious family or medical needs arise no matter where they work — and that is good for families, businesses, the economy and U.S. competitiveness.”

Jan Jones Blackhurst
Executive Vice President of Public Policy and Corporate Responsibility
Caesars Entertainment