“Bora has fully adopted a paid family leave policy. Our 65 employees now have access to six weeks of paid leave at 60% of their salary for maternity/paternity, to care for a sick child/parent/spouse, to bereave the loss of a family member or to mend from a serious personal injury or illness. We reward staff longevity, so the 60% is available to employees with us for three years while lesser amounts are available for less time with the company. Any event triggering leave under the Oregon Family Leave Act qualifies for this benefit. We analyzed company data and realized this was affordable and achievable. Weighing the cost of family leave against the cost of hiring and training new employees made this an easy decision. Taking care of our people is a priority. They are the firm’s greatest asset, so supporting them in their personal lives is as important as providing the right tools in their professional lives. It is our goal to encourage other firms to follow suit. We will also push for public policy because we care about our company but we also care about our country. The U.S. is a leader in the world on so many fronts, yet slow to act when it comes to workers’ family needs. At the state level here in Oregon and at the federal level through the FAMIILY Act, we hope to have laws soon that will support these basic needs.”
Amy Donohue, Principal, and Dawn Ridenour, CFO