“Paid family and medical leave is an important social justice issue, but it is an important economic growth issue as well. The FAMILY Act will help 76 Words, a small media and strategy firm in DC, recruit and retain great employees. Our business will succeed or fail based on the talent of our workforce. But without a public family leave insurance program, 76 Words is at a disadvantage in competing with larger firms for the best employees. A robust paid family leave program like the FAMILY Act will enable us to offer the same benefits our competitors can. Providing paid family and medical leave sends a message to the most creative and valued potential hires that if they work for us, they will be treated fairly in a time of family crisis. The FAMILY Act will help 76 Words and other small businesses show our employees how much we value them.”

Matt Erickson, Owner

76 Words

District Of Columbia


FAMILY Act Endorser