“Pleasant Pops started in 2010, and in the years since we’ve expanded to a food truck and now own two cafes. We offer a living wage and paid sick leave. We provide healthcare even though we aren’t required to do so, and we grow our entry-level employees into senior managers. And these choices have paid off. Our business is successful because we invest in our employees. As a responsible employer, I’d love to be able to offer paid leave to my employees, and I would love to be able to take advantage of paid leave when needed. That is why I supported DC’s Universal Paid Leave Act, and it’s why I support the FAMILY Act, which would create a national social insurance fund that all businesses can afford. The alternatives just aren’t as small-business friendly. I don’t want to be exempted from paid leave; I don’t want to have a tax credit but be on the hook for thousands in unplanned costs; I don’t want to have to worry about hiring a 50th employee and then being responsible for paid leave costs out of pocket instead of through social insurance. I also don’t want to live in a country where women, the elderly and employees with pre-existing conditions are discriminated against because their employers want to save money and not hire folks who are more likely to use paid leave. The FAMILY Act will allow small businesses to compete. It is the best option out there.”

Roger Horowitz, Owner

Pleasant Pops

District Of Columbia


FAMILY Act Endorser