Businesses are advancing the case for national paid leave
Leading companies of all sizes and across sectors support a national paid family and medical leave policy to support families, strengthen the workforce and build a stronger economy.

It’s past time for national paid leave
Almost everyone will need time away from their job to care for a new child or address a serious personal or family health issue, yet millions of people do not have paid family and medical leave at their jobs. The public knows it’s time for action — and sees businesses as a critical ally. These numbers say it all:
of workers don’t have access to paid family leave through their employers
of voters support a national paid family and medical leave policy that covers all working people
of voters have more favorable views of companies that publicly support national paid leave
Businesses are advocating for change
More than 75 companies and business leaders have endorsed the need for a strong, sustainable and inclusive baseline paid family and medical leave policy at the national level that works for businesses and working people and would create a more family-friendly economy. Companies’ experiences in states with paid leave show public policies are affordable, practical and good for business.

To ensure that all working Americans have access to paid family leave, we need a public policy solution.
— Tom Nides, Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley

Learn from examples of business leadership
Businesses are advancing the case for national paid leave through customer engagement, public education, policy advocacy and more. See examples of concrete actions these companies and corporate leaders are taking to advance national paid leave.
Paid leave principles are key
Paid leave is the focus of a growing national dialogue – and policy details matter.
Business leaders, policymakers, advocates and issue experts have come together to endorse the key principles of a national paid leave policy that will be effective, inclusive and built to last – one that will meet the needs of working people, their diverse families and America’s large and small businesses.
More Resources
National Paid Leave: A Proposal for Small Business Success
BCG Report: Why Paid Family Leave Is Good Business
Boston Consulting Group reviewed the policies of more than 250 companies and interviewed 25 HR leaders at large organizations. Their finding: employers see a solid business case for offering paid family leave, including benefits such as improved talent retention and attraction and their own ability to manage the costs of the program through thoughtful policy design
Sheryl Sandberg: "Support National Paid Leave"
“None of us should have to choose between the job we need and the family we love. That’s the concept behind paid family leave. It provides a safety net for when life happens – when a baby arrives, a child falls ill, an aging parent needs extra care – and we need to be there. And because it provides income during that time, it’s a game-changer for workers living paycheck to paycheck.”